Belly Dancers
Belly dance is primarily a torso-driven dance, with an emphasis on articulations of the hips.
Belly dancing is natural to a woman’s bone and muscle structure with movements emanating from the torso rather than in the legs and feet. The dance often focuses upon isolating different parts of the body, moving them independently in sensuous patterns, weaving together the entire feminine form. Belly dancing is generally performed barefoot, thought by many to emphasize the intimate physical connection between the dancer, her expression, and Mother Earth.
Other interesting accessories used during the dance are swords, snakes, large vessels, and even huge candelabras, complete with flaming candles.
Since the turn of the century, belly dancing has grown enormously in popularity across the U.S. and worldwide. Belly dance festivals, workshops, and seminars take place constantly, attracting large audiences of interested, involved men and women.